there was a being. He had been here for a long time; at least, that is what he could guess. His memories were never solid and it had become impossible to place down when things had passed. Where these thoughts had happened was never a matter of question, thankfully, as he had known only one place- this small plot of land several lengths long as it was wide. He could see clear from end to end and was content with what he possessed, and did not want for more. Many days were spent cultivating a garden, working on his homestead, enjoying life as it was. Night would never arrive; the land bathing in the crisp clean spotlight that radiated from within. Beyond the edges, dark mist swirled and churned with uncertainty and occasionally nipped at the edges of his home, chilling and withering the life he grew. He cared not to venture too far from home as he had learned there was nothing out there for him.